Event 15 Flight F: Gal Yifrach Doubles Up

$600 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 6:  300/500 with a 500 ante
Flight F Entries:  860

Gal Yifrach
Gal Yifrach

The player in the cutoff raised, and Gal Yifrach moved all in from the small blind for about 8,500. The big blind called, and the cutoff folded, briefly flashing Ah6h.

Yifrach turned over KsQd, and he needed his hand to hold to stay alive against the big blind’s Kd7d.

The board came QcJd2cKhAc, and Yifrach won the pot with two pair, kings and queens, to double up in chips.

Gal Yifrach  –  19,000  (38 bb)

Flight F is up to 860 entries (4,335 overall), and the prizepool is up over $2.27 million, easily doubling the $1 million guarantee.

This is the final starting flight, and registration remains open with unlimited re-entries until 10:30 pm.