Event 4: Steve Karp Doubles, Frederico Dabus Down to Nothing

Event 4: $1,650 Deepest Stack
$300,000 Guaranteed
Level 13: 1,200/2,400/400
Flight B Entries: 114 (Total Entries: 225)

Steve Karp

Steve Karp had 38,000 in the middle and was all-in on a Jc7h4d7c board. Frederico Dabus, who had him covered by just by a couple hundred chips, called.

Karp: 8h4h for a pair of fours
Dabus: Ac3c for a flush draw and an overcard

River: 3h

Karp’s fours were good and Dabus was left with less than an ante. Karp’s stack grew to 93,000.