Championship Day 1A: Full House for Sean Perry Against John Riordan

$5,250 SHRPO Championship
$3,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 9:  1,000/1,500 with a 1,500 ante
Day 1A Players Remaining:  261 of 573

Sean Perry

With about 23,000 in the pot and the flop reading 6c5c9h, Sean Perry bet 14,500 from the small blind and John Riordan called from the cutoff.

The turn was the 10d, Perry bet 14,500 again and Riordan called.

The river was the 6d, Perry bet 25,500 (leaving 1,500 behind) and Riodan called for a third time.

Perry tabled 5h5d for fives full of sixes, Riordan mucked and Perry collected the pot.

Sean Perry – 133,500 (89 bb)
John Riordan – 213,000 (142 bb)