Championship Day 1B: Early Friends

$3,500 LHPO Championship (Re-Entry)
$2,000,000 Guaranteed  |  Structure
Level 1: 100/200 with a 200 ante
Day 1B Entries:  146

Esther Taylor (left) and Ken Fishman (right)

The Grand Ballroom is quickly filling with early entrants, pushing the prize pool higher and higher. It is over $2.3 million with plenty of space to grown.

Some early friends in the field include Esther Taylor (fresh of finishing fifth out of 315 in the $400 PLO), Ken Fishman, Caleb “Boogie Man” Piderit, Peter Walsworth, Wagner Wysotchanski, Michael Newman, Steve “Cuz” Buckner, Paul Domb, Timothy Banks, Harrison Gimble, and Noah Schwartz.

Caleb “Boogie Man” Piderit
Peter Walsworth
Wagner Wysotchanski