Event 1 Flight A: Marc Sacheli Eliminated on the Money Bubble by Evgeniy Kharchenko

$400 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 18:  4,000/8,000 with an 8,000 ante
Flight A Players Remaining:  51 of 508

Evgeniy Kharchenko and Marc Sacheli
Evgeniy Kharchenko (left) and Marc Sacheli (foreground, right) wait for action to finish at the other tables before revealing their all-in hands.

On the 13th hand of the money bubble, Marc Sacheli raised all in for about 27,000 from middle position. Evgeniy Kharchenko called in the big blind with Qh8d, trailing Sacheli’s Ah9c.

The board came JcJd4cQcJh, giving Kharchenko jacks full of queens to eliminate Sacheli and send the remaining 51 players onward to Day 2.

Evgeniy Kharchenko  –  385,000  (48 bb)
Marc Sacheli  –  Eliminated on the Money Bubble

Marc Sacheli
Marc Sacheli