Event 1 Flight A: Scott Zakheim Doubles On the Money Bubble

$400 Deep Stack NLH (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 17:  3,000/6,000 with a 6,000 ante
Flight A Players Remaining:  52 of 508

Scott Zakheim Doubles Thru Evgeniy Kharchenko
Scott Zakheim (left) doubles thru Evgeniy Kharchenko (right).

On the fourth hand of the money bubble, Scott Zakheim was all in for 40,000 from the small blind against Evgeniy Kharchenko in the big blind.

Zakheim:  AdTd
Kharchenko:  Ac3h

The board ran out Qs6d4s9d8s, safe for Zakheim to double up.

Scott Zakheim  –  86,000  (14 bb)
Evgeniy Kharchenko  –  360,000  (60 bb)