Event 10: Randy Moller Eliminated by Alain Chanel

$1,100 No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$500,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 17: 2,500/5,000/500 ante
Players Remaining: 69 of 633

Randy Moller (pictured in Monday’s Conine Poker Challenge)

Retired professional hockey player Randy Moller moved all in for about 45,000 in middle position, and Alain Chanel re-shoved for slightly more behind him. The rest of the table folded, and Moller was heads-up for his tournament life.

Moller: As7s
Chanel: QsQd

The board ran out Qh9c7h6hTh, and Chanel won the pot with top set to eliminate Moller.

Alain Chanel – 105,000 (21 bb)
Randy Moller – Eliminated