Event 16: Chris Mull Eliminated in 12th Place by Michael Lee

$600 Deep Stack Pot-Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $179,920  | Structure | Payouts
Level 20:  6,000/12,000 with a 12,000 ante
Players Remaining:  11 of 346

Chris Mull
Chris Mull

Michael Lee raised from the button to 25,000, Juan Maceiras called from the small blind, and Chris Mull called from the big blind.

The flop came Js9h8s, and Maceiras bet 50,000. Mull moved all in for 101,000, and Lee thought for a while before he called. Maceiras folded.

Michael Lee:  JcJh10h2s  (set of jacks, open-ended straight draw)
Chris Mull:  9s9c7h3h  (set of nines, gutshot straight draw)

The turn card was the 5d, the river card was the Ah, and Lee won the pot with his higher set to eliminate Mull in 12th place.

Michael Lee  –  1,055,000  (88 bb)
Chris Mull  –  Eliminated in 12th Place  ($2,900)

Recent Eliminations:

12th:  Chris Mull  –  $2,900
13th:  Israel de la Cerda  –  $2,340
14th:  Leo Pinamonti  –  $2,340

With 11 players remaining, the average chip stack is around 629,000 (52 big blinds), and the remaining players are guaranteed to earn at least $2,900 each.