$200 Holiday Deep Stack NLH (Re-Entry)
$20,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 22: 10,000/20,000 with a 20,000 ante
Players Remaining: 8 of 334
Seat 1: Peter Cleven – 435,000 (22 bb)
Seat 2: Song Yim – 210,000 (11 bb)
Seat 3: Joe Shammas – 625,000 (31 bb)
Seat 4: Jonathan Marcu – 800,000 (40 bb)
Seat 5: Kurt Frazer – 550,000 (28 bb)
Seat 6: Jason Rocha – 1,400,000 (70 bb)
Seat 7: Steve Horniacek – 1,150,000 (58 bb)
Seat 8: Daniel Saffer – 690,000 (35 bb)
1st: $11,476 + $3,500 WPT RRPO Seat + RRPO trophy
2nd: $8,046
3rd: $5,174
4th: $3,316
5th: $2,557
6th: $2,116
7th: $1,777
8th: $1,459