Event 4 (Day 2): Brad Patton Eliminated by Bret Beebe

$1,650 Deepest-Stack No-Limit Hold’em with re-entries ($300,000 Guaranteed)
Level 20: Blinds 5,000/10,000, Ante 1,000
Players Remaining: 29/290
Average Stack: 500,000 (50 bb)

Action folded to Brad Patton in the small blind and he shoved for about 120,000. Bret Beebe called from the big blind with JsJc, leading Patton’s 3d3h.

The board ran out 4d8h4hQs6d, no help to Patton, securing the pot for Beebe.

Bret Beebe – 310,000 (31 bb)
Brad Patton – Eliminated