Event 4 (Day 2): Bret Beebe Eliminated by Andrew Graham

$1,650 Deepest-Stack No-Limit Hold’em with re-entries ($300,000 Guaranteed)
Level 20: Blinds 5,000/10,000, Ante 1,000
Players Remaining: 28/290
Average Stack: 517,857 (51 bb)

Bret Beebe raised to 41,000 from the button, Andrew Graham three-bet to 110,000 from the big blind, Beebe tanked for about two minutes before he four-bet shoved for about 300,000, and Graham called.

Beebe: QhQd
Graham: KhKc

The board ran out 2s4cJdJh7c, no help to Beebe, locking up the pot for Graham.

Andrew Graham – 1,580,000 (158 bb)
Bret Beebe – Eliminated

We are now on the money bubble.