Event 4 (Day 2): Double Bubble

$1,650 Deepest-Stack No-Limit Hold’em with re-entries ($300,000 Guaranteed)
Level 21: Blinds 6,000/12,000, Ante 2,000
Players Remaining: 26/290
Average Stack: 517,857 (43 bb)

Andrew Graham opened to 30,000 from the small blind, Harvey Vandeven shoved from the big blind for about 600,000, and Graham called.

Graham: QhQc
Vandeven: 6h6d

The board ran out KdJcJdJs8s, no help to Vandeven, giving Graham the sizable pot.

Andrew Graham – 2,100,000 (175 bb)
Harvey Vandeven – Eliminated

Meanwhile, Shay Azarzar got his stack of 248,000 into the middle with KdKs against the 10c10s held by Philip Woerner. The board ran out 6c4c3cAdJc, giving Woerner a flush to eliminate Azarzar.

Philip Woerner – 530,000 (44 bb)
Shay Azarzar – Eliminated

Vandeven and Azarzar split 27th place and will receive $1,957.50 each.