Event 8: Joel Alpert Leads Ari Engel at the Break

$600 Eight-Game Mix (Re-Entry)
Level 25:  50,000/100,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  2 of 79

The players return from break to begin Level 25, with increased limits of 50,000-100,000. Here are the official chip counts, followed by the payouts:

Joel Alpert  –  1,175,000  (12 BB)
Ari Engel  –  800,000  (8 BB)

1st:  $12,875 + SHRPO Trophy
2nd:  $8,515

3rd:  Tal Avivi  –  $5,665
4th:  Michael Johnston  –  $3,860
5th:  John Devine  –  $2,695
6th:  Gabe Ramos  –  $1,925
7th:  Steven Novak  –  $1,415
8th:  Cary Rosenthal  –  $1,415
9th:  Armen Gevorgyan  –  $1,160
10th:  Daniel Blum  –  $1,160