$1,500 + $150 Seminole Hard Rock “Rock ‘n’ Poker Open” Main Event
Blinds: 20k/40k/5k ante
Tyler Stafman was still stacking his chips from the double when a three-way pot began to develop. Yuan Yangshen opened to 80k from early position before Stafman called from the button and John Pizano from the big blind.
Pizano shoved his last 555k on the flop and Yangshen responded with an all-in behind. Stafman didn’t look happy as he open-mucked an open ended straight draw. Yangshen was ahead in the hand with
against Pizano’s
No miracles on the turn or
river and John Pizano was eliminated in 7th place for $24,295 while Yangshen moved over 3,000,000.