High Roller: Sam Panzica Rivers Harry Cullen Out the Door

$25,500 Big 4 High Roller
$2,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 8: 2,000/4,000  with a 500 ante
Entries: 99

Harry Cullen got his last 70,000 or so into the middle preflop against Sam Panzica, and both men showed down premium hands.

Cullen: AsAh
Panzica: QdQh

The first four cards were clean for Cullen on the Tc6h6s8d run-out, but the Qc river stole the pot away on the last card. Cullen slammed an open palm down on the table in frustration, and Panzica quietly stacked the pot as his opponent exited.

Sam Panzica – 230,000 (58 bb)
Harry Cullen – Eliminated

High Roller: Jason Mercier Eliminates Nick Schulman

$25,500 Big 4 High Roller
$2,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 8: 2,000/4,000  with a 500 ante
Entries: 99

Jason Mercier

Jason Mercier raised to 8,000 from the cutoff and Nick Schulman, who earlier in the series won the 2017 SHRPO $50K Super High Roller, three-bet all in for 85,000 from the button. Both blinds folded and Mercier made the call.

Mercier: 10s10d
Schulman: 7s7c

Schulman was looking for a seven to stay alive, and he picked up some outs when the 9d6c5c flop gave him a gutshot to an eight. Unfortunately for him, neither the 5s turn nor 2c river helped him and he hit the rail.

Jason Mercier – 265,000 (66 bb)
Nick Schulman – Eliminated

Championship: Joe Kuether Doubles Through Dylan Drazen

$5,250 SHRPO Championship
$3 Million Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 24: 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 11 of 887

Joe Kuether raised all in for 265,000 from the button and Dylan Drazen called from the big blind.

Kuether: AcJc
Drazen: 4h4s

The board ran out Kd7h5s3dJs, giving Kuether a pair of jacks on the river to double through Drazen.

Joe Kuether – 580,000 (15 bb)
Dylan Drazen – 1,530,000 (38 bb)

Event 12: Nigel Murray Eliminated by Jack Duong

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 19: 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 23 of 395

Nigel Murray

Nigel Murray moved all in for 107,000 preflop with Kc10c and Jack Duong called with KsQd.

The board came Qc6c3d10hJs and Duong hit a pair of queens, eliminating Murray in 24th place, ending his quest for another final table this series.

Jack Duong  –  300,000  (38 bb)
Nigel Murray  –  Eliminated in 24th Place ($8,320)

Event 12: Curt Kohlberg Doubles Through Jeremy White

$2,650 No Limit Hold’em (Freeze-Out)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 19: 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante
Players Remaining: 24 of 395

Curt Kohlberg

Jeremy White opened to 19,000 from under the gun and David Bradshaw called from the cutoff. Curt Kohlberg moved all in from the button for 153,000 and White called. Bradshaw got out of the way and they were running.

White: 9s9h
Kohlberg: JcJh

Kohlberg was in prime position for the double up and nothing on the KdTd6d changed any of that. The 8d turn gave White nine chop outs but the Ks sent his chips across the table.

Curt Kohlberg – 380,000 (48 bb)
Jeremy White – 246,000 (31 bb)

Championship: Hero Call Gone Wrong, Martin Kozlov Doubles Through Matt Berkey

$5,250 SHRPO Championship
$3 Million Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 24: 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 11 of 887

(betting details of the hand told to us by Martin Kozlov)

Martin Kozlov raised from the cutoff (there was a dead button), and Matt Berkey called from the big blind.

The flop fell AhKcQs, and Berkey check-called a bet from Kozlov. The turn was the 4s, and Berkey check-called a another bet from Kozlov. The river was the 2h, Berkey checked, and Kozlov shoved for 920,000. Berkey tanked for about three minutes before he called.

Kozlov tabled 4h4d for a set of fours, Berkey’s hand was revealed to be Jd5d for jack high, and Kozlov scored the double.

Martin Kozlov – 2,400,000 (60 bb)
Matt Berkey – 2,700,000 (68 bb)

Championship: DeJuante Alexander Eliminated in 12th Place ($61,303)

$5,250 SHRPO Championship
$3 Million Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 24: 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 11 of 887

DeJuante Alexander (pictured) raised all in for 450,000 from middle position and Michael Aron called from the hijack with JsJc, leading Alexander’s Ah10s.

The board came down Jh8d6d3s3h, giving Aron jacks full of threes to eliminate Alexander.

Michael Aron – 2,250,000 (56 bb)
DeJuante Alexander – Eliminated in 12th Place ($61,303)

Championship: Nicholas Palma Eliminated in 13th Place ($48,397)

$5,250 SHRPO Championship
$3 Million Guaranteed | Payouts
Level 24: 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 12 of 887

Nicholas Palma

After a series of raises, Nicholas Palma was all in preflop on the small blind, and Yi Chi Li has him covered on the cutoff. The two players then flipped over their cards.

Li: AsAh
Palma: AcQc

Board: 10s8h7s3d10h

Palma was eliminated in 13th place, good for $48,397, and Li stacked up 4.22 million after the hand.

Yi Chi Li – 4,220,000 (105 bb)
Nicholas Palma – Eliminated in 13th Place ($48,397)

High Roller: Harrison Gimbel Returns the Favor

$25,500 Big 4 High Roller
$2,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 8: 2,000/4,000  with a 500 ante
Entries: 97

Harrison Gimbel

Harrison Gimbel moved all in for 53,000 from early position and Doug Polk, who had doubled through him minutes before, moved all in himself for 2,500 more from the small blind. David Peters folded from the big and it was off to the races.

Polk: AsQs
Gimbel: 6h6s

Gimbel was looking to hold to score the double, and that’s just what he did as the board ran out a safe Jd3c2s4hKd. Polk was left with 2,500 but lost it in the very next hand.

Meanwhile, Alan Schein was also eliminated from the tournament.

Harrison Gimbel – 110,000 (28bb)
Doug  Polk – Eliminated
Alan Schein – Eliminated