Event 40: Michael Rocco Evens Things Up Against Chance Kornuth

$10,000 Heads-Up NLH (32 Max)
Structure | Payouts
Players Remaining:  8 of 28
Blinds:  300/600

Michael Rocco

Michael Rocco raised to 1,300 from the button, Chance Kornuth three-bet to 4,500 from the big blind, and Rocco called.

The flop was AsJs7d, Kornuth continued for 3,000, and Rocco called.

The turn was the 7c, Kornuth checked, Rocco bet 15,000, and Kornuth folded.

“Bluff?” asked Kornuth.

Rocco shrugged, “I don’t know.”

Michael Rocco  –  78,000  (130 bb)
Chance Kornuth  –  82,000  (137 bb)

Event 40: Frank Lagodich vs. Scott Baumstein

$10,000 Heads-Up NLH (32 Max)
Structure | Payouts
Players Remaining:  8 of 28
Blinds:  300/600

Frank Lagodich

Scott Baumstein raised to 1,200 from the button and Frank Lagodich defended.

The flop was Ts8h3s and Lagodich check-called 1,000 from Baumstein.

The turn was the 2h and Lagodich check-called 1,800 from Baumstein.

The river was the 3c, Lagoidch checked, Baumstein bet 7,200, Lagodich check-raised to 32,000, and Baumstein thought for a bit before he called.

Lagoidch showed Jc3h for trip treys, Baumstein tabled Jh3d for the same hand, and they chopped the pot.

Frank Lagodich  –  100,000  (167 bb)
Scott Baumstein  –  60,000  (100 bb)

Event 26: Dale Roesel – 3rd Place ($149,000)

$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $2,334,280 | Structure | Payouts
Level 35:  200,000/400,000 with a 300,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 4,489

Dale Roesel

Dale Roesel reraised all in for 8.15 million from the button after Cuba Levenberry had bumped things up to 1.5 million preflop, and Levenberry thought for a few moments before calling. The two players then tabled their cards.

Levenberry: Kd9d
Roesel: AhQc

Board: KsJs9c5hQs

It was a rough run of luck for Roesel, who saw his Q-7 topped by a three-outer on the turn after the flop fell K-Q-7 in the previous hand when a nine gave Levenberry the pot thanks to his Q-9 in the hole.

Roesel was out in third place for $149,000, and that gave Levenberry 60.65 million to take into the heads-up final against the 29.13 million of Ya Yun Liu.

Cuba Levenberry – 60,650,000 (151 bb)
Ya Yun Liu – 29,130,000 (72 bb)
Dale Roesel – Eliminated in 3rd Place ($149,000)

Event 40: Stoyan Madanzhiev Takes the Lead

$10,000 Heads-Up NLH (32 Max)
Structure | Payouts
Players Remaining:  8 of 28
Blinds:  200/400

Stoyan Madanzhiev

Stoyan Madanzhiev raised to 1,000 from the button, Kai Cohen three-bet to 4,800 from the big blind, and Madanzhiev called.

They checked to the turn of a KcJs9dQs board where Madanzhiev bet 4,000. Cohen called.

The river was the Jc, Cohen checked, Madanzhiev bet 10,400, and Cohen called.

Madanzhiev tabled TcTd for a king-high straight, Cohen mucked, and Madanzhiev collected the pot.

Stoyan Madanzhiev  –  90,000  (225 bb)
Kai Cohen  –  70,000  (175bb)

Event 40: Early Lead for Kai Cohen Against Stoyan Madanzhiev

$10,000 Heads-Up NLH (32 Max)
Structure | Payouts
Players Remaining:  8 of 28
Blinds:  200/400

Kai Cohen

With about 29,000 in the pot and the board reading QdTc8c5dAd, Kai Cohen bet 9,600 from the big blind and Stoyan Madanzhiev called on the button.

Cohen tabled 7d4d for a flush, Madanzhiev mucked, and Cohen won the pot to take the early elad.

Kai Cohen  –  105,000  (263 bb)
Stoyan Madanshiev  –  55,000  (138 bb)

Event 26: Dale Roesel Doubles Through Ya Yun Liu

$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $2,334,280 | Structure | Payouts
Level 35:  200,000/400,000 with a 300,000 ante
Players Remaining:  3 of 4,489

Dale Roesel

There was 3 million in the pot along with a board reading Jc7d4d5d2s when Dale Roesel got all in for 15,775,000 with Qd8d in the hole, and Ya Yun Liu had him covered holding Js4s.

Roesel stacked up 34.55 million after the hand, and Liu was at 37.4 million when the dust settled.

Ya Yun Liu – 37,400,000 (93 bb)
Dale Roesel – 34,550,000 (86 bb)

Event 26: Chip Count Update

$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $2,334,280 | Structure | Payouts
Level 35:  200,000/400,000 with a 300,000 ante
Players Remaining:  3 of 4,489

Here is a look at the chip counts at the final table.

Seat 1: Ya Yun Liu – 53,175,000 (132 bb)
Seat 3: Dale Roesel – 17,575,000 (43 bb)
Seat 4: Cuba Levenberry – 18,950,000 (47 bb)

Remaining payouts:

1st: $301,920 + Showdown Trophy
2nd: $200,000
3rd: $149,000

Event 26: Roberto Gonzalez – 4th Place ($111,000)

$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $2,334,280 | Structure | Payouts
Level 35:  200,000/400,000 with a 300,000 ante
Players Remaining:  3 of 4,489

Roberto Gonzalez

Roberto Gonzalez open-shipped for 4,500,000 from the button, Dale Roesel folded his small blind, and Cuba Levenberry called in the big blind.

Gonzalez: Qh6h
Levenberry: 9c9s

Gonzalez needed a lot of help to double up but missed the Kd6s4h flop. He picked up a heart draw on the Ah turn but blanked the 2c river to go out in fourth place.

Cuba Levenberry – 18,950,000 (63 bb)
Roberto Gonzalez – Eliminated in 4th Place ($111,000)

Event 26: Cuba Levenberry Doubles Through Dale Roesel

$600 Deep Stack No-Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Prize Pool:  $2,334,280 | Structure | Payouts
Level 34:  150,000/300,000 with a 300,000 ante
Players Remaining:  4 of 4,489

Cuba Levenberry

The flop read Kd7s6d when Cuba Levenberry got all in for 5,675,000 with KhJc in the hole from the big blind, and Dale Roesel had him covered holding Kc7c on the small blind.

The turn and river were dealt JdQh, and Levenberry doubled up to survive with 14.95 million. Roesel was at 16.6 million after the hand.

Cuba Levenberry – 14,950,000 (37 bb)
Dale Roesel – 16,600,000 (41 bb)