Event 6: Kahlil Francis Wins! ($13,220); Daniel Notice Eliminated in 2nd Place ($8,390)

$400 Eight-Handed Pot-Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 19 :  6,000/12,000 with a 12,000 ante
Players Remaining:  1 of 144

Kahlil Francis
2022 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open Event 6 Champion Kahlil Francis

Kahlil Francis potted to 36,000 on the button, Daniel Notice repotted to 108,000 from the big blind,  Francis repotted, and Notice called all in for about 135,000.

Francis:  AsQcJh6h
Notice:  AhKsJs3d

The board ran out 10d6s3s6d5c, giving Francis trip sixes to win the pot and Event 6 outright for $13,220.

Notice finished runner-up for $8,390.

A recap of the event will be posted later tonight.

Daniel Notice
Daniel Notice

Event 5: Donny Rubinstein – 3rd Place ($6,300)

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 24:  30,000/60,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  2 of 109

Donny Rubinstein
Donny Rubinstein

Donny Rubinstein (big blind) and Aaron Kupin (button) played a hand to the river on a board of 5s4c3c4dKd, and built up a pot worth about 400,000.

At showdown, Kupin turned over Ad3d3h2s for a full house, threes full of fours, along with a 5-4 low. Rubinstein mucked, and Kupin scooped the pot to build his stack up near a million in chips.

Aaron Kupin  –  950,000  (19 BB)
Donny Rubinstein  –  285,000  (6 BB)

About 15 minutes later, Rubinstein lost a three-way pot and was left with just 15,000 in chips.

Rubinstein was forced all in from the big blind for 15,000, Kupin raised from the button to 60,000, and Matthew Wolfson folded.

Aaron Kupin:  AdAcKs8c
Donny Rubinstein:  AhKh9h9s

The board came Jd10d7s6cKd, and Rubinstein flopped a gutshot straight draw to potentially chop it, but only managed to pair his king on the river. There were no possible lows, and Kupin won the pot with his pocket aces to eliminate Rubinstein in third place.

Donny Rubinstein  –  Eliminated in 3rd Place  ($6,300)

Here are the approximate chip counts for the start of heads-up play, followed by the remaining payouts:

Aaron Kupin  –  1,175,000  (20 BB)
Matthew Wolfson  –  450,000  (8 BB)

1st:  $17,015 + SHRPO Trophy
2nd:  $10,585

Reminder:  In heads-up play, the button has the small blind and acts first before the flop.

Event 6: Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez – 3rd Place ($5,040)

$400 Eight-Handed Pot-Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 19 :  6,000/12,000 with a 12,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 144

Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez
Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez

On a flop of 6d4d2h, a series of raises led to Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez all in for about 430,000 in the small blind against Kahlil Francis in the big blind.

Gutierrez:  Kd9d10h3h
Francis:  AsAd5d4h

Both players had flush draws, but Francis had nut diamonds along with aces.

The 10c turn have Gutierrez a few outs to two pair, but the river was the 8h to lock up the pot for Francis, ending Gutierrez’s run in third place.

Kahlil Francis  –  1,800,000  (150 bb)
Daniel Notice  –  360,000  (30 bb)
Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez  –  Eliminated in 3rd Place  ($5,040)

Event 6: Eugene Mistretta – 4th Place ($3,040)

$400 Eight-Handed Pot Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18 :  5,000/10,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Remaining:  3 of 144

Eugene Mistretta
Eugene Mistretta

Kahlil Francis limped from UTG/cutoff, Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez did the same from the small blind, and Eugene Mistretta raised all in for 41,000 from the big blind. Both Francis and Gutierrez called.

The flop came Ks7d5d, Gutierrez bet the pot of 123,000, and Francis folded.

Gutierrez:  Kc7c10d10h.
Mistretta:  AhJh6c4h

Gutierrez was ahead with kings and sevens, and held up through the 6d turn and Jd river to eliminate Mistretta in fourth place.

Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez  –  630,000  (63 bb)
Eugene Mistretta  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($3,040)

Event 5: Kevin M. Buck – 4th Place ($4,150)

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 23:  25,000/50,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  3 of 109

Kevin M. Buck
Kevin M. Buck

Kevin M. Buck got it all in from the button for 105,000 against Matthew Wolfson in the cutoff, and they turned over their cards.

Matthew Wolfson:  AsQc4s3s
Kevin M. Buck:  AhKcJh3c

The board came Ac6s2h8h5d, and Wolfson rivered a wheel (five-high straight) to scoop the entire pot and eliminate Buck in fourth place.

Matthew Wolfson  –  575,000  (12 BB)
Kevin M. Buck  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($4,150)

With three players remaining from a field of 109, the average chip stack is around 0000000 (0000000 Big Bets). The remaining players are guaranteed at least $6,300 each.

Event 6: Julius Threadgill – 6th Place ($1,975); Tony Tamayo – 7th Place ($1,715)

$400 Eight-Handed Pot Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18 :  5,000/10,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Remaining:  5 of 144

Julius Threadgill
Julius Threadgill

Eugene Mistretta limped from under the gun, Daniel Notice did the same from the cutoff, and Tony Tamayo potted to 55,000 from the button.

Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez repotted to 180,000 from the small blind, Julius Threadgill called all in for about 133,000 from the big blind, the limpers folded, and Tamayo called all in for about 75,000.

Gutierrez:  AsAhKdJd
Threadgill:  KcQcQd5h
Tamayo:  KhQhQs9c

The board ran out 10s8d6c7h2d, no help to neither Threadgill nor Tamayo, locking up the double elimination for Gutierrez.

Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez  –  540,000  (54 bb)
Julius Threadgill  –  Eliminated in 6th Place  ($1,975)
Tony Tamayo  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  ($1,715)

Tony Tamayo
Tony Tamayo

Event 5: David Snitkin – 5th Place ($3,205)

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 23:  25,000/50,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  4 of 109

David Snitkin
David Snitkin

After a flop of 7d5c4d, David Snitkin bet 25,000 from the cutoff, and Donny Rubinstein called from the button.

The turn card was the Ac, Snitkin bet 50,000, Rubinstein raised, and Snitkin called all in.

Donny Rubinstein:  As8h6h6s  (eight-high straight, 8-6 low)
David Snitkin:  AdKd7s4s  (two pair, diamond flush draw)

The river card was the 10h, and Rubinstein scooped the pot with his straight and his 8-6 low to eliminate Snitkin in fifth place.

Donny Rubinstein  –  550,000  (11 BB)
David Snitkin  –  Eliminated in 5th Place  ($3,205)

With four players remaining from a field of 109, the average chip stack is around 410,000 (8 Big Bets). The remaining players are guaranteed at least $4,150 each.

Event 6: Joseph Bell – 8th Place ($1,525)

$400 Eight-Handed Pot Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 17 :  4,000/8,000 with an 8,000 ante
Players Remaining:  7 of 144

Joseph Bell
Joseph Bell

Kahlil Francis raised to 21,000 from middle position, Jose Camacho called from the hijack, Joseph Bell called from the small blind, and Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez called from the big blind.

The flop was Ks8c5h and action checked to Francis who continued for 53,000. Only Bell called.

The turn was the 3h, Bell potted for 190,000, Francis repotted, and Bell called all in for 233,000 total.

Francis:  Kh8h10h10d
Bell: AhKd9d4c

Francis was ahead with kings and eights (with a flush draw) against Bell’s pair of kings with a wheel draw.

The river was the 10c, further improving Francis to a set of tens to eliminate Bell in eighth place.

Kahlil Francis  –  705,000  (88 bb)
Joseph Bell  –  Eliminated in 8th Place  ($1,525)

Event 5: Jason Papastavrou – 6th Place ($2,635)

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 22:  20,000/40,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  5 of 109

Jason Papastavrou
Jason Papastavrou

After a flop of Jd9c6d, Jason Papastavrou got it all in from the big blind for 16,000 against Matthew Wolfson, who was under the gun.

Matthew Wolfson:  AhQd8h7c  (open-ended straight draw)
Jason Papastavrou:  Kd10d7s5s  (diamond flush draw, double gutshot straight draw)

The turn card paired the board with the 6c, the river card double-paired the board with the Jh, and with no possible lows, Wolfson won the pot with a pair of jacks and his ace-queen to eliminate Papastavrou in sixth place.

Matthew Wolfson  –  500,000  (13 BB)
Jason Papastavrou  –  Eliminated in 6th Place  ($2,635)

With five players remaining from a field of 109, the average chip stack is around 325,000 (8 Big Bets). The remaining players are guaranteed at least $3,205 each.