Event 6: Juan Montoya – 9th Place ($1,350)

$400 Eight-Handed Pot Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 16 :  3,000/6,000 with a 6,000 ante
Players Remaining:  8 of 144

Juan Montoya
Juan Montoya

On a flop of Jd7s3c with about 60,000 in the pot, Juan Montoya was all in for 44,500 from early position against Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez who was under the gun.

Montoya:  AsKs10d8c
Gutierrez:  JcJs5s4d

Gutierrez was ahead with a set of jacks and held up through the 5h turn and Ac river to eliminate Montoya in ninth place.

Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez  – 350,000  (48 bb)
Juan Montoya  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($1,350)

Event 5: Dominic Granteed – 7th Place ($2,230)

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 22:  20,000/40,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  6 of 109

Dominic Granteed
Dominic Granteed

Dominic Granteed moved all in from the cutoff for 38,000, David Snitkin called from the button, and Aaron Kupin called from the big blind. Any further betting would create a side pot.

The flop came KcQdJc, Kupin bet 20,000, and Snitkin called.

The turn card was the 4h, Kupin checked, Snitkin bet 40,000, and Kupin thought for a while before he called.

The river card was the 10d, Kupin checked, Snitkin bet 40,000, and Kupin called. With no possible lows, all three players turned over their cards.

Aaron Kupin:  AcJd6c5h  (ace-high straight)
David Snitkin:  AhKsQs5d  (ace-high straight)
Dominic Granteed:  Ad8s5c4c  (pair of fours)

Kupin and Snitkin chopped the pot with their identical straights, and Granteed was eliminated in seventh place.

Aaron Kupin  –  575,000  (14 BB)
David Snitkin  –  233,000  (6 BB)
Dominic Granteed  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  ($2,230)

With six players remaining from a field of 109, the average chip stack is around 273,000 (7 Big Bets). The remaining players are guaranteed at least $2,635 each.

Event 6: PLO Final Table Lineup

$400 Eight-Handed Pot Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 16 :  3,000/6,000 with a 6,000 ante
Players Remaining:  9 of 144

Seat 1:  Julius Threadgill  –  130,000  (22 bb)
Seat 2:  Eugene Mistretta  –  240,000  (40 bb)
Seat 3:  Kahlil Francis  –  95,000  (16 bb)
Seat 4:  Jose Camacho  –  385,000  (64 bb)
Seat 5:  Daniel Notice  –  295,000  (49 bb)
Seat 6:  Tony Tamayo  –  95,000  (16 bb)
Seat 7:  Joseph Bell  –  500,000  (83 bb)
Seat 8:  Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez  –  280,000  (47 bb)
Seat 9:  Juan Montoya  –  90,000  (15 bb)

1st: $13,220 + SHRPO trophy
2nd: $8,390
3rd: $5,040
4th: $3,040
5th: $2,365
6th: $1,975
7th: $1,715
8th: $1,525
9th: $1,350

Recent Eliminations
10th:  Juan Riccardi  – $1,350
11th:  Gil Aboodi  – $1,185
12th:  Eitan Elbaz  – $1,185
13th:  Diana Bernal  –  $1,025
14th:  Samuel Doss  –  $1,025
15th:  Alberto Fonseca Pinilla  – $1,025
16th:  Matt Bretzfield  – $1,025

Event 5: Chris Labrie – 8th Place ($1,945)

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 21:  16,000/32,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  7 of 109

Chris Labrie
Chris Labrie

Matthew Wolfson (small blind) and Chris Labrie (cutoff) put in 32,000 each to see a flop of 6s5d4d, and then Labrie got it all in for his final 4,000.

Matthew Wolfson:  Ah7s5h3d  (seven-high straight, A-3 low)
Chris Labrie:  8h4c3h2s  (double-gutshot straight draw, 3-2 low)

The turn card was the 9s, the river card was the 10h, and Wolfson scooped the pot with his straight and his better low hand to eliminate Labrie in eighth place.

Matthew Wolfson  –  340,000  (11 BB)
Chris Labrie  –  Eliminated in 8th Place  ($1,945)

With seven players remaining from a field of 109, the average chip stack is around 234,000 (7 Big Bets). The remaining players are guaranteed at least $2,230 each.

Event 5: Gabe Ramos – 9th Place ($1,720)

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 20:  12,000/24,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  8 of 109

Gabe Ramos
Gabe Ramos

It was a rough start to the final table for Gabe Ramos, who quickly found himself down to just 14,000 — only a bit more than the big blind.

Aaron Kupin raised from middle position to 24,000, Jason Papastavrou called from the hijack, and Ramos called all in from the button for 14,000. Kevin M. Buck also called from the big blind.

There was 62K in the main pot, and another 30K in the side pot. Any further betting would go to the side pot.

The flop came 8h7h6h, and it checked to Papastavrou, who bet 12,000, leaving himself just 22K behind. Buck thought for a while before he folded, and Kupin tanked for a while before he called.

The turn card was the Jd, Kupin checked, Papastavrou moved all in for 22,000, and Kupin called.

All three players turned over their cards:

Aaron Kupin:  AcQcQs3s  (pair of queens, A-3 low)
Jason Papastavrou:  AhJc10s2h  (ace-high flush, A-2 low)
Gabe Ramos:  AsJh7s5c  (pair of sevens, open-ended straight draw, A-5 low)

Ramos was drawing dead, and the river card paired the board with the 8d. Papastavrou scooped the entire pot with his flush and his A-2 low to eliminate Ramos in ninth place.

Jason Papastavrou  –  160,000  (7 BB)
Aaron Kupin  –  545,000  (23 BB)
Gabe Ramos  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($1,720)

With eight players remaining from a field of 109, the average chip stack is around 204,000 (9 Big Bets). The remaining players are guaranteed at least $1,945 each.

Event 1 Flight D: Registration Closed With 825 Entries; Guarantee Surpassed

$400 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$1,000,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 9:  500/1,000 with a 1,000 ante
Flight D Entries:  825

Flight D of SHRPO Event 1 closed with 825 entries, bringing the total field size to 3,083 entries through four flights. The $1,000,000 guarantee is officially in the rearview mirror, and the march toward a $2,000,000 prize pool is underway.

Play in Flight D will continue until 83 players remain. Players must bag a stack in order to make the money, and those who do will return for Day 2 on Sunday at 1 p.m.

Thursday at 10 a.m.A64365
Thursday at 6 p.m.B70171
Thursday at 10 a.m.C91492
Thursday at 6 p.m.D825TBD
Friday at 10 a.m.E
Friday at 6 p.m.F
Saturday at 10 a.m.G
Saturday at 6 p.m.H

Chip counts through Flight C

Event 5: Final Table Begins with Aaron Kupin Holding a Huge Lead

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 20:  12,000/24,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  9 of 109

Event 5 Final Table

After the elimination of Steve Ekin in 10th place, the final nine players redraw for random seats at the final table. Here are their new seating assignments along with their approximate chip counts:

Seat 1.  Matthew Wolfson  –  138,000  (6 BB)
Seat 2.  Gabe Ramos  –  190,000  (8 BB)
Seat 3.  Dominic Granteed  –  120,000  (5 BB)
Seat 4.  Kevin M. Buck  –  104,000  (4 BB)
Seat 5.  David Snitkin  –  135,000  (6 BB)
Seat 6.  Donny Rubinstein  –  54,000  (2 BB)
Seat 7.  Aaron Kupin  –  560,000  (23 BB)
Seat 8.  Chris Labrie  –  58,000  (2 BB)
Seat 9.  Jason Papastavrou  –  75,000  (3 BB)

And here is the remaining prizepool at stake:

1st:  $17,015 + SHRPO Trophy
2nd:  $10,585
3rd:  $6,300
4th:  $4,150
5th:  $3,205
6th:  $2,635
7th:  $2,230
8th:  $1,945
9th:  $1,720

And the players who have finished in the money so far:

10th:  Steve Ekin  –  $1,720
11th:  Hoyt Verner  –  $1,515
12th:  Michael Deveronica  –  $1,515
13th:  Jeff Cookson  –  $1,345
14th:  Shane Daniels  –  $1,345

With nine players remaining from a field of 109, the average chip stack is around 182,000 (8 Big Bets).

Event 6: Final Two Tables in the PLO

$400 Eight-Handed Pot Limit Omaha (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level13 :  1,500/3,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining:  16 of 144

Table 5
Seat 1:  Juan Riccardi  –  120,000  (40 bb)
Seat 2:  Kahlil Francis  –  110,000  (37 bb)
Seat 3:  Eitan Elbaz  –  35,000  (12 bb)
Seat 4:  Joseph Bell  –  360,000  (120 bb)
Seat 5:  Tony Tamayo  –  112,000  (37 bb)
Seat 6:  Matt Bretzfield  –  60,000  (20 bb)
Seat 7:  Alberto Fonseca Pinilla  –  20,000  (7 bb)
Seat 8:  Eugene Mistretta  –  120,000  (40 bb)

Table 6
Seat 1:  Julius Threadgill  –  200,000  (67 bb)
Seat 2:  Gil Aboodi  –  45,000  (15 bb)
Seat 3:  Diana Bernal  –  68,000  (23 bb)
Seat 4:  Yulien Alvarez Gutierrez  –  130,000  (43 bb)
Seat 5:  Samuel Doss –  28,000  (9 bb)
Seat 6:  Jose Azcuy Camacho  –  380,000  (127 bb)
Seat 7:  Juan Montoya  –  154,000  (51 bb)
Seat 8:  Daniel Notice  –  230,000  (77 bb)

1st: $13,220 + SHRPO trophy
2nd: $8,390
3rd: $5,040
4th: $3,040
5th: $2,365
6th: $1,975
7th: $1,715
8th: $1,525
9th-10th: $1,350
11th-12th: $1,185
13th-16th: $1,025

In-The-Money Finishers
17th:  Charles Mayes  –  $900
18th:  Joseph Lupo  –  $900

Event 5: Updated Chip Counts; Donny Rubinstein Leads the Final 14

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 19:  10,000/20,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  14 of 109

Final 2 Tables

The final 14 players returned from break to begin Level 19, with increased limits of 10,000-20,000.

Here are the official seating assignments and chip counts from the break:

Seat 1.  Jeff Cookson  –  77,000  (4 BB)
Seat 2.  
Seat 3.  Hoyt Verner  –  58,000  (3 BB)
Seat 4.  Kevin M. Buck  –  116,000  (6 BB)
Seat 5.  Dominic Granteed  –  160,000  (8 BB)
Seat 6.  Shane Daniels  –  114,000  (6 BB)
Seat 7.  
Seat 8.  Aaron Kupin  –  133,000  (7 BB)
Seat 9.  Steve Ekin  –  92,000  (5 BB)

Seat 1.  
Seat 2.  Matthew Wolfson  –  75,000  (4 BB)
Seat 3.  Michael Deveronica  –  75,000  (4 BB)
Seat 4.  Chris Labrie  –  52,000  (3 BB)
Seat 5.  Gabe Ramos  –  178,000  (9 BB)
Seat 6.  David Snitkin  –  167,000  (8 BB)
Seat 7.  Jason Papastavrou  –  117,000  (6 BB)
Seat 8.  Donny Rubinstein  –  207,000  (10 BB)
Seat 9.  

With 14 players remaining from a field of 109, the average chip stack is around 117,000 (6 Big Bets). The remaining players are in the money, guaranteed at least $1,345 each.

Event 5: Donny Rubinstein Knocks Out a Player to Burst the Money Bubble

$600 Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18:  8,000/16,000 Limits
Players Remaining:  14 of 109

Donny Rubinstein
Donny Rubinstein

With 15 players remaining and only 14 getting paid, the final two tables began hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble.

In the first hand, a player moved all in under the gun for 15,000. A player called from middle position, and Donny Rubinstein called from the big blind. Any further betting would create a side pot.

The flop came Jh10c3h, Rubinstein bet 8,000, and his opponent called.

The turn card paired the board with the Jc, and both players checked.

The river card was the Qc, Rubinstein bet 16,000, and his opponent folded. Rubinstein took the side pot.

The two players who reached showdown flipped over their cards for the main pot of 49,000:

Donny Rubinstein:  AhAc9s6c  (ace-high club flush)
UTG Player:  AdKs10h8s  (ace-high straight)

Rubinstein won the pot with his flush to eliminate his opponent and burst the Money Bubble.

Donny Rubinstein  –  240,000  (15 BB)

With 14 players remaining from a field of 109, the average chip stack is around 117,000 (7 Big Bets). The remaining players are in the money, guaranteed at least $1,345 each.