Event 4 (Day 2): Chip Leaders After Level 17

$1,650 Deepest-Stack No-Limit Hold’em with re-entries ($300,000 Guaranteed)
Level 18: Blinds 3,000/6,000, Ante 1,000
Players Remaining: 58/290
Average Stack: 250,000 (41 bb)

Shay Azarzar – 730,000 (121 bb)
Gregory Marcus – 720,000 (120 bb)
Andrew Graham – 650,000 (108 bb)
Philip Woerner – 556,000 (92 bb)
Scott Jaffa – 500,000 (83 bb)

Recent Eliminated include Ralph Massey, Josh Spaddavecchia Jr, and Paul Domb.

Event 4 (Day 2): Sheddy Gets There

$1,650 Deepest-Stack No-Limit Hold’em with re-entries ($300,000 Guaranteed)
Level 17: Blinds 2,500/5,000, Ante 500
Players Remaining: 61/290
Average Stack: 237,704 (47 bb)

Raj Vohra was all in for about 120,000 with 5h5c, Sheddy Siddiqui was all in for 178,500 with JcJd, and Andjelko Andrejevic had them both covered with AcAh.

The flop came down 10h7s5s, giving Vohra the lead with a set of fives. The 9h turn kept him ahead, but the 8c river fell to give Siddiqui a jack-high straight to double through Andrejevic and eliminate Vohra.

Sheddy Siddiqui – 510,000 (102 bb)
Andjelko Andrejevic – 260,000 (52 bb)
Raj Vohra – Eliminated

Event 4 (Day 2): Marcus and Azarzar at the Top

$1,650 Deepest-Stack No-Limit Hold’em with re-entries ($300,000 Guaranteed)
Level 16: Blinds 2,000/4,000, Ante 500
Players Remaining: 70/290
Average Stack: 207,143 (51 bb)

William “Vito” Sturiano was all in for about 90,000 from the small blind with AcKc, Michael Morton was all in for about 220,000 from the hijack with 9d9s, and Gregory Marcus had them both covered from middle position with AdJh.

The board ran out 3hJd2s5d2h, giving Marcus jacks and deuces to score the double elimination.

Meanwhile, Shay Azarzar eliminated Alan Percal at the same table, pitting both chip leaders just a few seats from each other.

Shay Azarzar – 760,000 (190 bb)
Gregory Marcus – 735,000 (183 bb)
Alan Percal – Eliminated
Michael Morton – Eliminated
William “Vito” Sturiano – Eliminated

Event 4 (Day 2): Early Eliminations

$1,650 Deepest-Stack No-Limit Hold’em with re-entries ($300,000 Guaranteed)
Level 16: Blinds 2,000/4,000, Ante 500
Players Remaining: 87/290
Average Stack: 166,667 (41 bb)

Five players joined today, bringing the total field size to 290 entries. Among those who have been eliminated in the early stage of the day include Elliot Zaydman, Oleg Gaidouk, James Oliver, Ken Bruno, Richard Zipes, Robert Patrick Brown, and Sam Morillo.

Event 4: Day 2 Table and Seat Draw

$1,650 Deepest-Stack No-Limit Hold’em with re-entries ($300,000 Guaranteed)
Level 16 (upcoming): Blinds 2,000/4,000, Ante 500
Players Remaining: 89/285
Average Stack: 160,122 (40 bb)

Registration is open until the start of Day 2, which is at noon on Sunday.

Table 29
1. Jordan Shamah – 67,500
2. Alan Percal – 261,500
4. Raj Vohra – 182,000
5. Shay Azarzar – 470,000
6. Oleg Gaidouk – 127,000
8. Michael Morton – 126,000
9. John Restrepo – 82,500

Table 30
1. Jorge Gomez – 141,500
2. Yaroslaw Nakonechnyy – 97,000
3. Richard Zipes – 137,000
4. Chris Bolek – 84,000
5. Joelle Guarino – 180,500
8. Tony Ruberto – 73,000
9. Claudio Piedrabuena – 252,000

Table 31
1. Qasem Jamhour – 94,500
2. John Ambrosi – 110,500
3. Skip McDonough – 128,500
4. Jean “Prince” Gaspard – 79,500
7. Joel Parra – 135,000
8. Dominique Mosley – 114,500
9. Yigal Hen – 173,000

Table 33
1. Lawrence Lipman – 160,000
2. Uri Kadosh – 105,500
3. Robert “Car Wash” Williams – 144,500
6. Hunter Cichy – 89,500
7. Corey Burbick – 43,500
8. Fernando Diaz – 156,000
9. Philip Woerner – 283,000

Table 34
1. Mohammed Jaafar – 282,000
4. Ralph Massey – 34,500
5. Jon Brody – 166,000
6. James Oliver – 132,000
7. Mordechai Greenes – 159,000
8. Paul Domb – 182,500
9. Maxwell Girteit – 82,500

Table 35
3. Kenneth Watson – 79,500
4. Anthony Ocampo – 57,000
5. Riley Fuller – 195,000
6. Matthew Zarcadoolas – 274,500
7. Andre Crooks – 223,000
8. Rob LeBeau – 251,500
9. Scott Jaffa – 316,500

Table 36
2. Bernard Lubitz – 25,500
3. Tommy Macey – 99,500
4. Michael Lewin – 134,000
5. Gregory Marcus – 308,500
6. Elliot Zaydman – 38,500
7. Craig Bagn – 190,000
8. William “Vito” Sturiano – 109,500

Table 37
2. Seth Gilson – 158,500
3. Dolphus Powers – 228,500
4. Mike Beasley – 66,000
5. Julio Sanchez – 238,000
6. Evan Teitelbaum – 189,000
7. Keith Wagner – 115,500
8. Raymond Ruzkowski – 160,000
9. Tim Miles – 42,500

Table 38
2. Sheldon Gross – 66,000
3. Zoltan Czinkota – 177,500
4. Ken Bruno – 58,000
5. Bret Beebe – 55,500
6. Sean Posner – 31,500
7. Sascha Walter – 333,000
8. Pasquale Caiazza – 167,500
9. Nissim Vaknin – 120,000

Table 39
2. Samuel Morillo – 86,500
3. Andjelko Andrejevic – 245,500
4. Ilya Lekach – 178,000
5. John Spaddavecchia Jr. – 214,500
6. Howard Darnold – 216,500
7. Daren Stabinski – 198,000
8. Sheddy Siddiqui – 136,500
9. Scott Lushing – 214,500

Table 40
1. Gil Nagar – 88,000
2. Robert Patrick Brown – 54,000
3. Larry Klur – 120,000
4. Gert Zumkehr – 111,000
5. Michael Wetcher – 219,000
6. Raj Nasta – 242,000
7. Santana Noronha – 118,500
8. David Diaz – 167,000

Table 41
1. Jackie Scott – 336,000
2. Juan Mubarak Peralta – 210,000
3. Michael Newman – 374,500
4. Scott Zakheim – 169,500
5. Harrison Gimbel – 166,500
6. Brad Patton – 357,500
8. Stuart Paterson – 180,000
9. Andrew Graham – 363,500