LHPO Day 4 Schedule

Primary Event Schedule

1PM: Event 1 Day 2 – $600 Deep Stack NLH (Re-Entry)

1PM: Event 8 – $400 Deep Stack NLH (Re-Entry)

  • $50,000 Guaranteed Prize Pool
  • Players begin with 20,000 in chips
  • Levels last 30 minutes
  • Late registration until start of Level 9 (5:30pm)
  • This is a one-day tournament and plays until completion
  • Event 8 Structure Sheet

4PM: Event 9 Day 1 – $1,100 Deep Stack NLH (Re-Entry)

  • $100,000 Guaranteed Prize Pool
  • Players begin with 20,000 in chips
  • Levels 1-12 last 30 minutes; Levels 13+ last 40 minutes
  • Late registration until start of Level 9 (9:00pm)
  • Day 1 will end after Level 15
  • Event 9 Structure Sheet

5PM: Event 10 Day 1 – $600 Mixed PLO (Re-Entry)

  • Players begin with 20,000 in chips
  • Levels last 30 minutes
  • Late registration until start of Level 9 (9:30pm)
  • Day 1 will end after Level 16
  • Event 10 Structure Sheet

6PM: Event 11 – $200 Quad Stack Double Green Chip Bounty NLH (Re-Entry)

  • Players begin with 40,000 in chips
  • Levels 1-8 last 15 minutes; Levels 9+ last 20 minutes
  • Late registration until start of Level 9 (8:15pm)
  • This is a one-day tournament and plays until completion
  • Event 11 Structure Sheet

Secondary and Satellite Schedule

12PM: $250 Multi-Event Turbo Satellite (1-in-10)

  • Two $2,100 packages guaranteed; includes seat in any $1,100 and $400 event plus $600 in cash
  • Players begin with 10,000 in chips
  • Levels last 15 minutes
  • Late registration until start of Level 9 (2:15pm)
  • Structure Sheet

8PM: $400 Championship Turbo Satellite (1-in-10)

  • 2 seats guaranteed into $3,500 LHPO Championship
  • Players begin with 10,000 in chips
  • Levels last 15 minutes
  • Late registration until start of Level 9 (10:15pm)
  • Structure Sheet

2023 Lucky Hearts Poker Open Schedule

Please note: We recommend parking in either Winner’s Way or Seminole Way garage for the most convenient access to the Grand Ballroom

Long Nguyen Captures His Third SHRP Major Series Trophy With Event 11 Win for $18,065

2022 Seminole Hard Rock ‘N’ Roll Poker Open
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
Hollywood, Florida
Event 11
$600 Pot-Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Entries:  122
Prize Pool:  $64,050
November 19, 2022

2022 RRPO Event 11 Champion Long Nguyen

Event 11 of the 2022 Seminole Hard Rock ‘N’ Roll Poker Open was a $600 Pot-Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry). A field of 122 entries generated a prize pool of $64,050, and taking it down was Long Nguyen, winning outright for $18,065.

This marked Nguyen’s third SHRP major series trophy victory. His first came in this same tournament during the 2021 SHRPO, while the second was in a $400 six-max PLO at the 2021 RRPO. This was also Nguyen’s 11th final table in an SHRP major series.

The victory puts Nguyen past the $200K mark on the Hendon Mob poker database.

PlaceFirst NameLast NamePrize Amount

Event 11: Long Nguyen Wins! ($18,065); Ilya Dyment Eliminated in 2nd Place ($11,410)

$600 Pot Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 27:  25,000/50,000
Players Remaining:  1 of 122

Long Nguyen
Long Nguyen

Ilya Dyment raised pot to 150,000 from the button, Long Nguyen three-bet pot to 450,000 in the big blind, and Dyment called.

The flop was Qc10s6d, Nguyen shoved, and Dyment called all in for his remaining 310,000.

Nguyen:  AsAh9h5c
Dyment:  10d4h3d2c

Nguyen was ahead with aces and held up through the 9c turn and 8h river to win his third SHRP major series trophy, along with the first-place prize of $18,065.

Ilya Dyment finished runner-up for $11,410.

A recap of the event will be posted later tonight.

Ilya Dyment
Ilya Dyment

Event 11: Long Nguyen Doubles Again to Take Back the Lead

$600 Pot Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 27:  25,000/50,000
Players Remaining:  2 of 122

Long Nguyen raised to 100,000 from the button and Ilya Dyment called in the big blind.

The flop was KdQd2c, Dyment led out for the pot of 200,000, and Nguyen thought for a little while before sticking in his remaining 385,000.

Dyment called with Jc5h4d2d for a pair of deuces with a flush draw, while Nguyen tabled AdKh9h4c for a pair of kings.

The 9c turn and 10h river completed the board, no help to Dyment, securing the double for Nguyen.

Long Nguyen  –  970,000  (19 bb)
Ilya Dyment  –  860,000  (17 bb)

Event 11: Ilya Dyment Doubles and Retakes the Lead

$600 Pot Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 27:  25,000/50,000
Players Remaining:  2 of 122

Ilya Dyment
Ilya Dyment

Long Nguyen limped in on the button and Ilya Dyment checked his option in the big blind.

They checked to the turn of a KsJd2sKd board where Nguyen bet 75,000. Dyment check-raised pot, Nguyen reraised, and Dyment called all in for 510,000.

Nguyen:  KhQc10d6d
Dyment:  9s9h2h2d

Nguyen had trip kings with a straight draw and flush draw, but Dyment had deuces full of kings to leave Nguyen with just the full-house outs.

The river was the 3s, no help to Nguyen, locking up the double for Dyment.

Ilya Dyment  –  1,120,000  (22 bb)
Long Nguyen  –  710,000  (14 bb)

Event 11: Long Nguyen Spikes a Two-Outer River to Double Into the Lead

$600 Pot Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 27:  25,000/50,000
Players Remaining:  2 of 122

Long Nguyen
Long Nguyen

Ilya Dyment raised to 100,000 on the button, Long Nguyen three-bet to 300,000 from the big blind, and Dyment called.

The flop was 10s7s7c, Nguyen bet his remaining 360,000, and Dyment called with 9s7h4c2c for trip sevens, leading Nguyen’s AcAhJd8c.

The turn was the 9h, and while that gave Nguyen a jack-high straight, it gave Dyment sevens full of nines to leave Nguyen drawing to the two remaining aces in the deck.

The river was the Ad, giving Nguyen aces full of sevens to double into the lead.

Long Nguyen  –  1,320,000  (26 bb)
Ilya Dyment  –  510,000  (10 bb)

Event 11: David Thurston – 3rd Place ($6,885)

$600 Pot Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 26:  20,000/40,000
Players Remaining:  2 of 122

David Thurston
David Thurston

David Thurston limped in from the small blind and Ilya Dyment checked his option in the big blind.

The flop was Qc7s3c, Thurston checked, Dyment bet 80,000, Thurston check-raised the pot, Dyment reraised all in for 640,000, and Thurston called with a slightly covering stack.

Thurston:  As8h7d2s
Dyment:  AcQsQh4s

Dyment was ahead for the high with a set of queens, while Thurston had the nut low draw.

The 10c turn and 9s river completed the board, safe for Dyment to double into the chip lead.

Down to 50,000, Thurston busted shortly thereafter in third place.

Ilya Dyment  – 1,360,000  (34 bb)
Long Nguyen  –  470,000  (12 bb)
David Thurston  –  Eliminated in 3rd Place  ($6,885)

1st: $18,065 + RRPO  trophy
2nd: $11,410

Event 11: Final Three Players

$600 Pot Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 26:  20,000/40,000
Players Remaining:  3 of 122

David Thurston  –  790,000  (20 bb)
Ilya Dyment  –  620,000  (16 bb)
Long Nguyen  –  420,000  (11 bb)

1st:  $18,065 + RRPO  trophy
2nd:  $11,410
3rd:  $6,885

4th:  Scott Baumstein  –  $4,325
5th:  Tony Cousineau  –  $3,205
6th:  Brandon Lulov  –  $2,755
7th:  Gabe Ramos  –  $2,390
8th:  Vincent Fierimonte  –  $2,115
9th:  Donny Rubinstein  –  $1,860

10th:  William Wallace  –  $1,860
11th:  Josh Pender  –  $1,635
12th:  Daniel Brown  –  $1,635
13th:  Kenneth Po  –  $1,530
14th:  Sal Pipitone  – $1,530
15th:  Matthew Wolfson  –  $1,425
16th:  Cory Cunnigham  – $1,425

Event 11: David Thurston Doubles Thru Ilya Dyment

$600 Pot Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 24:  15,000/25,000
Players Remaining:  3 of 122

David Thurston
David Thurston

Following a flop of Ad9c7c, David Thurston was all in for 305,000 from the small blind against Ilya Dyment in the big blind.

Thurston:  Kc6d4c3d
Dyment:  Js10c3c2s

Neither had anything yet for a high, leaving Thurston’s king-high in the lead. Both had flush draws, but Thurston’s was better. Both had low draws, but Dyment’s was better.

The turn was the 3h, giving Dyment a pair of treys but wrecking his low and giving Thurston a seven-six.

The river was the Qc, giving Thurston a king-high flush along with the seven-six low to scoop the pot and double up.

David Thurston  –  680,000  (27 bb)
Ilya Dyment  –  640,000  (26 bb)

Event 11: Scott Baumstein – 4th Place ($4,325)

$600 Pot Limit Omaha 8 (Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 24:  15,000/25,000
Players Remaining:  3 of 122

Scott Baumstein
Scott Baumstein

Scott Baumstein raised to 90,000 from UTG/CO, Long Nguyen reraised the pot from the button, and Baumstein called all in for about 210,000.

Baumstein:  AcKsQsQd
Nguyen:  AdJdJc2d

The board came down Jh10s8d7h6d, giving Nguyen a set of jacks along with the nut low to eliminate Baumstein in fourth place.

Long Nguyen  –  495,000  (20 bb)
Scott Baumstein  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($4,325)