Super High Roller 2: Dan Smith – 2nd Place ($351,625), Zhuang Ruan Wins ($562,600)

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 20:  25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Players Remaining:  1 of 29

Zhuang Ruan

Dan Smith limped in on the button and Zhuang Ruan checked his option in the big blind.

The flop was JcJs2s and Ruan led for 125,000. Smith called and the turn was the Qc.

Ruan bet again, this time 250,000 and Smith called. The river was the Kh.

Ruan shoved all in for effectively Smith’s remaining 585,000. Smith mulled over his decision for a while before eventually committing the chips.

Ruan showed Jd8h, good for trip jacks, and he won the pot against Smith’s AcQd.

Dan Smith
Dan Smith

Zhuang Ruan – Super High Roller Champion
Dan Smith – Eliminated in 2nd Place

Super High Roller 2: Zhuang Ruan Regains The Lead

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 20:  25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 29

Zhang Ruan won a pot by shoving the turn and getting a fold to Dan Smith to get the heads-up match back to even.

A few hands later, with about 300,000 in the middle on a completed board of 9h7c4s10dAd, Ruan checked and Smith bet 250,000.

Ruan tanked for about a minute before tossing in a chip, indicating a call.

“Jack-six,” said Smith, as he briefly tabled his hand.

Ruan showed Qd7h, good for fourth pair and won the pot to take back the chip lead.

Zhang Ruan – 2,350,000 (47 bb)
Dan Smith – 1,300,000 (26 bb)

Super High Roller 2: Dan Smith Pulling Away

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 19:  20,000/40,000 with a 40,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 29

Dan Smith raised on the button and Zhuang Ruan called out of the big blind.

The flop was QsJs10s and Ruan checked. Smith bet 70,000 and Ruan called.

The turn was the 10c and Ruan led out for 110,000. Smith called. The river was the 9s and Ruan led again, this time for 400,000.

Smith mulled it over for quite some time before moving all in. Ruan quickly folded his hand.

“That was like a James Bond board right there,” said Smith after the hand. “Straight flush versus quads or something.”

Dan Smith – 2,655,000 (66 bb)
Zhuang Ruan – 975,000 (24 bb)

Super High Roller 2: Dan Smith Regains The Chip Lead

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 19:  20,000/40,000 with a 40,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 29

Dan Smith

With about 400,000 in the pot on a board of 9c5d3h, Dan Smith checked and Zhuang Ruan bet 250,000. Smith called.

The river was the 8c and both players checked. Smith showed Qd7s and Ruan tossed his hand into the muck.

A few hands later, in a limped pot, Smith checked a flop of 10s4s2d and Ruan bet 40,000.

Smith check-raised to 140,000 and Ruan called. The turn was the 6s and Smith checked. Ruan bet 100,000 and Smith called. Both players checked the 4d river.

Smith showed 10c8c and Ruan mucked.

Dan Smith – 2,625,000 (65 bb)
Zhuang Ruan – 1,000,000 (25 bb)

Super High Roller 2: Cary Katz – 3rd Place ($225,040)

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18:  15,000/30,000 with a 30,000 ante
Players Remaining:  2 of 29

Cary Katz

Cary Katz moved all in on the button for 210,000 and Zhuang Ruan called out of the small blind. Dan Smith folded his big blind, leaving Katz heads-up for his tournament life.

Katz showed AcJc and was in a dominating spot against Ruan’s Ah8d.

The flop changed that as it came 10h8s4s, moving Ruan into the lead with a pair of eights.

“Yeah. I wasn’t feeling that one,” lamented Katz.

The turn was the 6d and the river was the 9s. Katz was eliminated in third place for $225,040 and Ruan will start heads-up play with a slight chip advantage against Dan Smith.

Zhuang Ruan – 1,850,000 (62 bb)
Cary Katz – Eliminated

Super High Roller 2: Zhuang Ruan Moves Into The Chip Lead

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18:  15,000/30,000 with a 30,000 ante
Players Remaining:  3 of 29

Zhuang Ruan

Zhuang Ruan raised on the button to 60,000 and Cary Katz defended his big blind.

The flop was QdJd6s and Katz checked. Ruan bet 45,000 and Katz called. Both players checked the 3c turn and the 8s came on the river.

Katz bet 30,000 and Ruan raised to 175,000. Katz mulled it over for a couple minutes before calling.

Katz showed Jc5c, but Ruan tabled Js9h and won the pot with a bigger kicker. Ruan dragged the pot and overtook Dan Smith for the chip lead.

Zhuang Ruan – 1,650,000 (55 bb)
Cary Katz – 200,000 (7 bb)

Super High Roller 2: Giuseppe Iadesernia – 4th Place ($154,715)

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 18:  15,000/30,000 with a 30,000 ante
Players Remaining:  3 of 29

Giuseppe Iadisernia

Cary Katz moved all in from the cutoff for 390,000 and Giuseppe Iadesernia called out of the small blind.

Katz showed AhKd and was in the lead against Iadesernia’s Qs10h.

The flop was Qd8h8d and Iadesernia moved into the lead with top pair. The turn was the 3s, keeping Iadesernia in the lead, but the Kh came on the river and Katz won the pot.

The dealer counted down both stacks and verified that Iadesernia actually had the bigger stack, covering Katz by just 10,000. He was eliminated by Zhuang Ruan the next hand.

Iadesernia earned $154,715 for his fourth place finish.

Cary Katz – 840,000 (28 bb)
Giuseppe Iadesernia – Eliminated

Super High Roller 2: Zhuang Ruan Doubles Through Dan Smith

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 17:  15,000/25,000 with a 25,000 ante
Players Remaining:  4 of 29

Zhuang Ruan

Giuseppe Iadesernia limped in from under the gun and Dan Smith moved all in on the button. Zhuang Ruan called out of the big blind for 425,000 and Iadesernia folded.

Ruan tabled JdJh and was in the lead against Smith’s 9s9c.

The board ran out Ah10s10dQd3h and Ruan doubled through the chip leader.

Zhuang Ruan – 950,000 (38 bb)
Dan Smith – 1,895,000 (75 bb)

Super High Roller 2: Sean Perry – 5th Place ($112,520)

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 17:  15,000/25,000 with a 25,000 ante
Players Remaining:  4 of 29

Sean Perry

Sean Perry moved all in for 50,000 from under the gun and was called by Cary Katz in the small blind. Zhuang Ruan moved all in from the big blind for about 450,000 and Katz quickly folded, leaving Ruan heads-up with Perry.

Perry showed Ad7h and was up against Ruan’s 9s9d.

The board came 6d5s3hKs4d and Perry drilled a gutshot straight on the river to triple up and stay alive.

Unfortunately for Perry, the next hand he was in the big blind and got all in with 7-7 against Dan Smith’s K-J. Smith flopped a jack and eliminated Perry in fifth place for $112,520.

Dan Smith – 1,450,000 (58 bb)
Sean Perry – Eliminated In 5th ($112,520)

Super High Roller 2: Cary Katz Doubles Through Sean Perry

$50,000 Super High Roller (Single Re-Entry)
Structure | Payouts
Level 17:  15,000/25,000 with a 25,000 ante
Players Remaining:  5 of 29

Cary Katz

Cary Katz was in the hijack and got into a preflop battle with Sean Perry in the small blind.

Katz was all in for his last 270,000 with 9h9d against Perry’s AhKs.

The board ran out 8d4d3hQc2h and Katz won the flip to double up again and leave Perry with just a couple of blinds.

Cary Katz – 640,000 (26 bb)
Sean Perry – 50,000 (2 bb)