$15,000 WPT Tournament of Champions
Level 7: 400/800 with a 100
Players Remaining: 48 of 66

On a flop of , James Mackey checked from the big blind and Niall Farrell checked from under the gun. Ema Zajmovic bet 3,800 from the hijack and Michael Mizrachi called on the button.
Mackey and Farrell folded and they were heads-up to the turn card.
Zajmovic’s time clock ran all the way down to zero and they called the floor over to make a ruling on whether it is ruled a check or she would be forced into using a time chip.
It’s ruled that she would be forced to use a time chip. If she were out of time chips, it would be ruled a check. After the clarification, she puts out a time chip and theĀ checked.
Mizrachi bet 3,800 and she called. The river was the and both players checked. Zajmovic showed
and Mizrachi mucked his hand.
Ema Zajmovic – 41,000
Michael Mizrachi – 65,000